Road to Health Group

Brand identity, branding and website

Road to Health Group lead a consortium of strategic partner organisations with the shared mission to help people make positive and sustainable changes to their health and wellbeing. They utilise their market-leading digital wellbeing technology to underpin and develop bespoke products for companies and community groups.

Brand narrative
Our initial brand audit and investigation, which included online workshops with directors and senior managers, revealed that we had switch the company’s existing narrative. For a long time they viewed themselves as a health and wellbeing company when, in fact, they should be more accurately described as a technology company specialising in health and wellbeing. This change in thinking underpinned the whole approach to the new branding and the development of a new brand proposition: Driving improved health and wellbeing outcomes through technology.

Brand identity
The company’s digital health and wellbeing improvement platform is underpinned by years of academic research and clinical validation. Utilising this clinically driven data is key to changing behaviour patterns and developing health strategies targeted at individuals. With this in mind, we developed a brand identity (or ‘data circle’) with three main characteristics:

  1. At it’s simplest, it represents data and data transformation.
  2. It’s a visual expression of an individual’s health and wellbeing status at a given point (some aspects of their health profile are shown as excellent while others need attention).
  3. Finally, the orange circular data motif is reminiscent of a sunburst and creates a feeling of warmth and positivity.


  • Technology


  • Brand Identity
  • Branding
  • Website
  • Digital Content
  • Social Media Contents