Branded Livery for Temples Transport
Monomo & Co was asked to look at branded livery for Temples Transport and their fleet of articulated lorries and trailers.
Temples Transport is a logistics company based in Spalding, Lincolnshire. As a growing business they realised that they had to develop their brand further – begining with their trailers (which were white and unbranding at the time).
Understanding that their refrigerated trailers had to remain mainly white to help maintain a costant temperature, we set about developing simple but effective solution. Our starting point was the ‘m’ swoosh in the Temples logo. We added vignetted colours to this motif and use abstarct sections of the swoosh for the new branding. This gives colour, vibrancy and dynamic movement to the trailer sides and back.
The project also included ‘cleaning-up’ the brand logo and giving the company guidance on how to use their new branding more consistantly.
Collaborators: Duo Partners Ltd